
We will be adding more quizzes to this website as time goes on.

These quizzes are based on the type of questions you may be asked when being assessed for the various Achievement scheme tests and are simply an aid to help you prepare for taking the tests.

For each quiz, questions will be selected at random from the bank of available questions. We will be adding to the question bank over time so do keep checking back to try again.

Please remember that your examiner  will not be giving you multiple choice questions and may ask questions that do not appear in this quiz. The only exception to this is the mandatory questions where during your test you will be asked 5 questions from the fixed list of 20 that you can view here.

If you are a  BMFA Club Examiner or Area Chief Examiner and would like to submit questions to add to the question bank we will welcome your submissions, please email webmaster@bmfa.org for further details.

Mandatory Questions Quiz

Fixed Wing Power A & BPC Quiz


BMFA Achievements