Mandatory Questions

It is a requirement of all tests that candidates who do not hold a current valid Registration Competency Certificate RCC must answer correctly 5 questions taken from the list of mandatory questions based on legal aspects of model aircraft flying. The examiner should only ask 5 questions and if the candidate does not know the answer to any question the test must be considered as a fail.

The examiner should indicate on the test form which questions have been asked.

It is expected that examiners will select questions that are appropriate to the test being taken, however candidates should familiarise themselves with all of the questions on the list. Candidates are not expected to be “word perfect” with their answers but they should be able to demonstrate that they are fully aware of the legal controls for model aircraft flying.

We strongly recommend that all candidates for outdoor achievement scheme tests take the BMFA Registration Competency Certificate in advance of taking the test, they will then be exempt from answering the mandatory questions.

Mandatory Questions List (2023)

  1. Can you fly your model aircraft or drone out of sight behind trees?
    • No, because you must be able to see your aircraft at all


  1. You should never fly above what height without appropriate permission or an authorisation?
    • 400ft


  1. What is the main reason for not flying above 400ft without permission or an authorisation?
    • Because the airspace above 400ft is used by other


  1. When do you need permission from an airport to fly a model aircraft or drone?
    • When you wish to fly in a flight restriction


  1. If you are flying your glider, which has a mass of more than 5kg but less than 14kg, from the top of a 150 ft high hill, how high can you fly from where you are standing?
    • 400ft


  1. You arrive at a site and want to get ready to fly your model What four things must you check?
    • That the weather is going to be suitable for your
    • That you are ‘fit to fly’
    • That you make sure there are no airspace restrictions where you intend to fly.
    • That your aircraft is in a safe condition to complete the flight


  1. When can you fly your model aircraft or drone using First Person View equipment without a competent observer?
    • If you are flying at a drone racing event within a ‘sterile area’ and you do not fly above 160 feet (50m).


  1. You are flying your model aircraft or drone using FPV equipment accompanied by a competent observer, what four conditions must you comply with?
    • The take-off mass of your aircraft must be less than 3.5kg
    • You must not fly above 1000 feet
    • You must not fly above 400 feet if you are flying a rotorcraft with more than one propellor.
    • Your competent observer must maintain direct unaided visual contact with your aircraft.


  1. You are flying your model aircraft or drone safely at a safe height but there are other people in the vicinity. You notice an air ambulance flying in your direction. What should you do?
    • Quickly fly your aircraft out of the way of the air ambulance and either wait or land safely.


  1. You want to fly in an empty field near to an The field is outside the airport boundary fence, so is it OK to fly there?
    • You must check that the field is outside the airport’s flight restriction zone before you fly.


  1. Who is directly responsible for the safe operation of an aircraft?
    • The Remote Pilot


  1. Before any flight can take place in the Flight Restriction Zone of a Protected Aerodrome, permission must be obtained from whom?
    • The Air Traffic Control unit or owners of the Protected Aerodrome


  1. Whilst flying, as a Remote Pilot, you should always comply with what two conditions?
    • Comply with the limitations of the Article 16 Authorisation or CAP 722
    • Comply with any airspace restrictions


  1. Whilst flying, as a Remote Pilot, you should always avoid what?
    • Any risk of collision with any manned aircraft
    • Flying close to or inside any area where an emergency response is taking place, without permission to do so
    • Continuing a flight if it may pose a risk to other aircraft, people, animals, environment or property


  1. The Article 16 Authorisation stipulates that model aircraft with a Maximum Take Off Mass between 250g and 7.5kg cannot be operated within what separation distances?
    • Within a horizontal distance of 30m of assemblies of
    • Within 30m of any uninvolved person (this may be reduced to 15m for take-off and landing).


  1. The Article 16 Authorisation stipulates that model aircraft with a Maximum Take Off Mass between 7.5kg and 25kg cannot be operated within what separation distances and above what height?
    • Within a horizontal distance of 50m of assemblies of people (this may be reduced to 30m for take-off and landing).
    • Within 30m of any uninvolved person
    • At an altitude of more than 400’ without permission from the


  1. Serious Incidents or other Occurrences must be reported to the CAA as a condition of our Authorisation, if they involve any of what four circumstances?
    • Incidents involving manned
    • Operating above 400 feet
    • Operating less than 50m from uninvolved
    • Any instances of flight beyond the visual line of sight of the Remote


  1. Any Model Aircraft or drone Operator making use of the Article 16 Authorisation must ensure that they comply with what three requirements?
    • They must be registered with the
    • They must clearly display their Operator ID on (or in) their
    • They must be a current BMFA member, or a member of one of the other organisations named in the Authorisation


  1. The Article 16 Authorisation permits you to give a ‘trial flight’ to a non-member providing you meet what three conditions?
    • They are under your direct instruction and
    • You meet the competency requirements and a valid Operator ID is on the aircraft.
    • You must be a current BMFA member, or a member of one of the other organisations named in the Authorisation


  1. What does the Article 16 authorisation state with regards to the dropping of articles from a model aircraft or drone?
    • The Remote pilot must not cause or permit any article or animal to be dropped from an unmanned aircraft so as to endanger persons or property.
BMFA Achievements